- 2 Gig disk space
- 5 email accounts
- 24/7 FTP access
- Control Panel
- 4 Gig disk space
- 15 email accounts
- 24/7 FTP access
- 4 MySQL databases
- Control Panel
- 6 Gig disk space
- 25 email accounts
- 24/7 FTP access
- 7 MySQL databases
- Control Panel
- Unlimited disk space
- Unlimited email accounts
- 24/7 FTP access
- Unlimited MySQL databases
- Control Panel
Reliable Web Hosting Solutions for Namibia
For you to have a live website on the Internet, a domain name (www.YourBusinessName.com) has to be registered, and each time it is online, it has to be hosted from a web server, so it would be available to the Internet users.
To explain Web Hosting in simpler terms, when your website is on the internet, it requires a place to live. That place is called a web server. Your business emails also gets delivered on a web server before you retrieve them. It is more like renting an apartment for your files on the Word Wide Web.
We provide server space to keep your website online and make it available on the internet. Our servers are reliable, proven over the past 15 years, and we can host your website and business emails at an affordable price. Your website and emails can be hosted with us for as less as N$ 100 per month.
Please check the below web hosting package's, and choose the one that suits your company best.
Your website will not experience any downtime, due to the use of the latest web hosting technologies. Our web hosting servers are based in Namibia, Germany, and the United Kingdom.
The Web Servers are:
- Redundant
- High-end, State of the Art Technology
- Comes with 99.9 % uptime
We serve all regions in Namibia, especially towns like Windhoek, Swakopmund, Walvis Bay, Oshakati, Otjiwarongo, Okahandja, Keetmanshoop, Katima Mulilo, Luderitz and many others.
The packages we provide at Namibia Web Hosting aim to ensure that we provide a safe and stable service on a secured network environment. Our technical team ensure that your website stays up, running and supported. Some hosting companies offer cheap packages, however we focus only on premium hosting with advanced features and reliability that ensures your business emails and website are always up 24/7 with no downtime. There is nothing more stressing than your team wanting to send invoices and due quotations and the emails are not going through.
Website loading speed should also not be compromised. Especially when it comes to business websites, online stores and large websites with lots of great content.
Hosting with us is always advised, whether your website was designed by us or you are simply looking for a home for your website that you did on your own.
It is just important to ensure your hosting service provider has been tested, proven, and trusted by other local companies that rely on its services on a daily basis.